About Us
SeaFood MIDNIGHT is the premier supplier of fine caviar, fresh fish, shellfish, and smoked seafood to home kitchens, restaurants and retail shops across the world. We love what we do. This is the kind of love and passion where success is never taken for granted, the kind of love and passion where you question yourself and your quality standards every day. In that time SeaFood MIDNIGHT has developed an international reputation for sourcing only the finest caviars. Rest assured when you buy caviar online from SeaFood MIDNIGHT that you know where the caviar has been sourced, and that it is of pristine quality and freshness.
Order caviar and seafood online
We are passionate about seafood and we want to share that passion with you. Order online now, and we will ship your order directly to your door.

It is well known that love begins in the stomach. Our love belongs to our fine Caviar as well as our excellent Salmon & Seafood products.

We are dedicated to offering you
The highest quality of seafood from truly sustainable sources. Our mission is to promote the respectful and responsible harvesting of seafood while protecting the environment for future generations of fish and people.
Blog posts

How is caviar made?

Sturgeon's History